© 2025 — Alaska-Trails.com

Sterling Highway

MP​​ 37

(from South)


MP 37.7

(from North)


Image result for intersection sign

Seward​​ Highway​​ Intersection​​ MP 37​​ 



Note: ​​ The mile markers start with 37 instead of 0.




MP 37 Road Weather Conditions


Wildlife Viewing Locations


MP​​ 45




Image result for intersection sign

Quartz Creek​​ Campground


Kayaking - 24x24 Marine Signhttp://www.clker.com/cliparts/1/c/6/9/1316543346287667656Boat%20Launch%20Sign.svg.med.png


Access: ​​ Turn south on Quartz Creek Road​​ just before MP 45​​ and​​ drive​​ .4​​ miles;​​ the​​ campground​​ is​​ on the​​ right. ​​​​ 19 sites. ​​ The​​ USFS​​ website says​​ there​​ no dump station, but there is one across the​​ Quartz Creek Road from the campground, operated by a concessionaire, $8​​ in 2016.


Turn Off:  Campground:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 29.148’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 28.779’

Long W 149⁰ 44.028’Long W 149⁰ 43.647’

Elevation ​​ 461’  Elevation ​​ 406’


Granite Creek Campground


Campground Reservations


Wildlife Viewing Locations



Kenai River Special Management Area

MP 45




Image result for intersection sign

Crescent Creek​​ Campground




Access: ​​ Turn south on Quartz Creek Road,​​ then​​ drive 2.7 miles and turn left into the campground. In June 2016, the road was in pretty bad shape starting about ½ mile before the campground, with mud and deep potholes. ​​​​ In 2017 new gravel was overlaid​​ on​​ a one-lane​​ track,​​ and is​​ in good condition. ​​​​ Although the USFS website says this campground takes reservations, it actually does not.


Turn Off:  Campground:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 29.148’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 29.805’

Long W 149⁰ 44.028’Long W 149⁰ 40.775’

Elevation ​​ 461’  Elevation ​​ 481’


Crescent Creek Campground


Wildlife Viewing Locations


MP​​ 45




Image result for intersection sign

Crescent Creek​​ (Lake)​​ Trail

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpghttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gifhttp://iciclecreekrealestate.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/house-symbol1.jpghttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Cross-Country-Skiing-Sign-X-RS-040.gifhttp://www.turningwatersbandb.com/wp-content/uploads/Bicycle-Trail-Symbol-Sign-X-RL-090.jpg ​​​​ 

Access: ​​ Turn south​​ on Quartz Creek Road;​​ the parking lot is at​​ 2.8​​ miles,​​ where​​ the​​ road​​ turns into an unmaintained road. ​​ The​​ trailhead​​ is on the right, and the parking area is on the left. ​​​​ The road​​ is closed in winter,​​ but you can ski in. ​​​​ In June 2016, the road was in pretty bad shape starting about ½ mile before the campground, with mud and deep potholes. ​​ In 2017,​​ new gravel was overlaid on a one-lane road, and is in good condition. ​​ 


Turn Off:  Trailhead:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 29.148’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 30.168’

Long W 149⁰ 44.028’Long W 149⁰ 40.297’

Elevation ​​ 461’  Elevation ​​ 531’


Distance:​​ 6.2 miles each way

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 865’

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy

Best Months: ​​​​ June​​ -​​ October


The first half of the trail is pretty much in the trees, but the second half breaks out into views of the river and the surrounding mountains. ​​ The trail​​ is​​ in good enough condition to bike it​​ most of the way,​​ for​​ a biker of intermediate skills and in reasonably good shape. ​​ You can also leave your bike at some point and hike the rest of the way, as the more challenging sections are on stretches of the second half. ​​​​ The traverse to Carter Lake​​ (along and past Quartz Lake)​​ is not maintained, hence the “3.” ​​​​ (See MP 33.1 Seward Highway.) ​​ There are several campsites at the lake, in addition to a USFS cabin,​​ and beach access for hikers.

Valerie’s Rating:​​ ❸-❹ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2017


Crescent Creek Trail


Crescent​​ Lake Trail


Crescent Lake Cabin


Lake Cabin Reservations


Crescent Saddle Cabin


Saddle Cabin Reservations


Trail Conditions



Crescent Creek Trail


Carter Lake Trail

MP​​ 47.9




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Rainbow Lake Trail



Access: ​​ Turn south on Snug Harbor Road​​ and​​ drive 10.7 miles. ​​ The parking lot is on the left.


Turn Off:  Trailhead:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 29.437’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 22.649’

Long W 149⁰ 48.729’Long W 149⁰ 41.789’

Elevation ​​ 453’  Elevation ​​ 1307’


Distance:​​ .3 miles​​ to lake

Elevation​​ Drop:​​ 50’

Difficulty:​​ Easy

Best Months:​​ May-October


I really like this trail – it is out in the open, in a very pretty valley,​​ and the trail is well-maintained. ​​ It’s well worth the short stop if you drive down Snug Harbor Road.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2016


Rainbow Lake Trail


Trail Conditions



Rainbow Lake Trail

MP​​ 47.9




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Russian Lakes Trail (South end)




Access: ​​ Turn south on Snug Harbor Road​​ and​​ drive 11.3 miles. ​​ The parking lot is on the left.​​ 


Turn Off:  Trailhead:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 29.437’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 22.612’

Long W 149⁰ 48.729’Long W 149⁰ 42.571’

Elevation ​​ 453’  Elevation ​​ 1296’


Distance:​​ 21.78 miles to the northern trailhead​​ (see MP 52.5)

Elevation Gain:​​ 1100’

Difficulty:​​ Easy-Moderate

Best Months:​​ Year-round


This trail can be done as a one-way from either end with a car shuttle. ​​ I prefer to do an out-and-back from this end, because​​ I​​ can​​ avoid the crowds on the northern end​​ and the​​ very​​ expensive concessionaire parking fee.​​ 

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2016


Russian Lakes Trail


Aspen Flats Cabin


Aspen Flats Reservations


Barber Cabin


Barber Reservations


Upper Russian Lake Cabin


Upper Russian Reservations


Trail Conditions



Russian Lakes Trail


Kenai River Special Management Area

MP 47.9


​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg

Cooper Landing SRS


Access: Turn north into the parking area, just before the​​ MP​​ 48​​ marker.​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 29.428’

Long W 149⁰​​ 48.869’

Elevation ​​ 459’


Cooper Landing Boat Launch


Wildlife Viewing Locations


MP​​ 50.5 & MP 50.6



Cooper Creek Campground


Access: ​​ Turn into the campground road on the south side of the highway​​ at MP 50.5 for the south unit, or to the north side of the highway at MP 50.6 for the north unit. ​​​​ 26 sites.


North:  South:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 29.034’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 29.030’

Long W 149⁰ 53.126’Long W 149⁰​​ 52.928’

Elevation ​​ 471’  Elevation ​​ 394’


Cooper Creek Campground


Campground Reservations



Kenai River Special Management Area

MP 52



Gwin’s Lodge Summer Concert Series

Access: ​​ South side of​​ the​​ highway. ​​ Music on weekends in summer.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 28.901’

Long W 149⁰​​ 55.299’

Elevation ​​ 378’


Gwin's Lodge Facebook Page

MP​​ 52.5



Russian River Campground




Russian Lakes​​ Trail​​ 

http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gifhttp://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpg​​ http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Tent-Camping-Sign-X-RM-010.gifhttp://iciclecreekrealestate.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/house-symbol1.jpghttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Cross-Country-Skiing-Sign-X-RS-040.gifhttp://www.turningwatersbandb.com/wp-content/uploads/Bicycle-Trail-Symbol-Sign-X-RL-090.jpg

Access: ​​ Turn onto the campground road on the south side of the highway.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 28.971’

Long W 149⁰​​ 56.244’

Elevation ​​ 368’


Distance:​​ 21.78 miles to the​​ southern​​ trailhead​​ (see MP 47.9)

Elevation Gain:​​ 1100’

Difficulty:​​ Easy-Moderate

Best Months:​​ Year-round


This trail can be done as a one-way from either end with a car shuttle. ​​ Use​​ on this end​​ is very heavy during summer months. ​​ A​​ concessionaire has control over the parking lot,​​ and day-use fees​​ (12 hours)​​ are outrageous​​ at $11 per vehicle in 2018 ($8 for overflow parking,​​ but supposedly​​ free with proof of cabin reservation), generally Memorial Day through Labor Day. ​​ I give it a “2” for that reason. ​​​​ See above​​ at MP 47.9​​ for the southern end of the trail,​​ which​​ does not have parking fees or heavy use.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2008


Russian River Campground


Russian Lakes Trail


Aspen Flats Cabin


Aspen Flats Reservations


Barber Cabin


Barber Reservations


Upper Russian Lake Cabin


Upper Russian Reservations


K'BEQ' Cultural Site


Wildlife Viewing Locations 1


Wildlife Viewing Locations 2


Trail Conditions



Russian Lakes Trail


Russian River Campground and Trail

MP​​ 53.1



Resurrection Pass Trail (South)​​ 



Access: ​​ Turn north into​​ the​​ trailhead parking area.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 29.016’

Long W 149⁰​​ 57.231’

Elevation ​​ 380’


Distance: ​​​​ 39 miles to north​​ ​​ to Hope (see MP 16.1 Hope Spur Road)

Elevation Gain:​​ 2100’

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy to Moderate

Best Months:​​ Year-round


Most people do this as a backpacking trip, and many try to get cabins for overnights. ​​ Many people also bike this in one day (to Hope) and arrange a car shuttle. ​​ If you hike in from this end, be aware that mountain bikes often come down the hill and around blind corners very fast. ​​ I prefer to hike one of the winter routes for that reason; directions can be found on the USFS link to the right.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2016


Resurrection Pass Trail South


Caribou Creek Cabin


Devil's Pass Cabin


East Creek Cabin


Fox Creek Cabin


Juneau Lake Cabin


Romig Cabin


Swan Lake Cabin


Trout Lake Cabin​​ 


Trail Conditions



Resurrection Pass​​ South​​ Trail

MP 54.8




MP 54.8 Road Weather Conditions


MP​​ 57.2



Fuller Lakes Trail

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpg ​​​​ 


Access: ​​ Parking lot on​​ the​​ north side of road, which is easy to miss if you are driving the​​ speed limit.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 29.101’

Long W 150⁰​​ 04.528’

Elevation ​​ 267’


Distance:​​ 3.3​​ miles to Upper Fuller Lake, but you can go further cross-country.

Elevation Gain:​​ 1503’

Difficulty:​​ Moderate with some steeper sections

Best Months: ​​​​ Summer​​ -​​ Fall


This trail has a steady uphill grade with some steeper sections, and there are muddy sections when wet. ​​ You will reach the first lake at 2.1 miles. ​​ The continuing trail to the upper lake at 3.3 miles is very root-y, muddy, soggy, and hasn’t been brushed in years. The area is pretty, but with the poor trail condition, I’d skip this hike unless you were doing the ridge traverse with Skyline Trail (MP 61.3). ​​ The traverse is a route that requires navigation skills and should only be attempted by expert hikers. [Note: ​​ the Wildlife Refuge information is incorrect.]

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2019


Kenai Wildlife Refuge Maps​​ 


Wildlife Viewing Locations


Trail Conditions



Fuller Lakes Trail


Fuller Lakes GPS Trail Map

MP​​ 58.2



Kenai National Wildlife Refuge​​ 


Access: ​​ Turn off​​ the​​ highway​​ into the​​ large parking lots​​ on the north side​​ (it’s​​ actually at MP 58.2, but the MP 58 marker is just past the Skilak Road turn-off).​​ There is a small log cabin​​ visitor contact station that has been closed due to budget cuts, though the website says it is self-service. ​​​​ The main visitor center is now in Soldotna, which is​​ unfortunate​​ since you have long passed through the refuge by the time you get there. ​​ Be sure to visit the links and downloads to the right so that you have information when you​​ arrive at this end of the Refuge, since​​ you probably will not have​​ cell and internet access​​ for​​ most of the distance between​​ Cooper Landing​​ and​​ Soldotna.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 29.072’

Long W 150⁰​​ 06.377’

Elevation ​​ 273’

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpg​​ http://iciclecreekrealestate.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/house-symbol1.jpg​​ Kayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign​​ http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Tent-Camping-Sign-X-RM-010.gif​​ http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gif​​ http://www.clker.com/cliparts/1/c/6/9/1316543346287667656Boat%20Launch%20Sign.svg.med.png


Kenai National Wildlife Refuge


Kenai Nat'l Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center


Visitor Activities








Canoe System



Kenai NWR Visitor Guide


Kenai NWR map Boundaries​​ 


Skilak Wildlife Recreation Area Map


Kenai​​ NWR Cabin​​ Location​​ Map

MP​​ 58.2




Image result for intersection sign

Skilak Lake Road​​ Junction​​ MP 0


Access: ​​ Just past the rest stop on the right, turn left onto Skilak Road. ​​​​ (It is actually MP 58.2, but the MP 58 marker is just past the road junction on the right.) ​​​​ [Note: ​​ Cell service is spotty or non-existent on Skilak Lake Road.]


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 20.085’

Long W 150⁰ 06.679’

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpg​​ http://iciclecreekrealestate.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/house-symbol1.jpg​​ Kayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign​​ http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Tent-Camping-Sign-X-RM-010.gif​​ http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gif​​ http://www.clker.com/cliparts/1/c/6/9/1316543346287667656Boat%20Launch%20Sign.svg.med.pnghttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Cross-Country-Skiing-Sign-X-RS-040.gif


Wildlife Viewing Locations



Skilak Wildlife Recreation Area Map


Kenai NWR Cabin Location Map


Kenai Wildlife Refuge Cabins

MP​​ 61.3



Skyline Trail

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpg ​​​​ 


Access: ​​ The parking lot is on the south side of the road, but you have to cross the road to get to the trailhead​​ on the north side. ​​ Be careful! ​​ People drive too fast through here and the road is very narrow, and this section of road is very dangerous​​ with a history of​​ many serious accidents.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 31.100’

Long W 150⁰​​ 11.275’

Elevation ​​ 453’


Distance:​​ 1 mile each way

Elevation Gain:​​ 2300’

Difficulty:​​ Strenuous

Best Months:​​ Summer


This trail​​ goes​​ straight-up, but is very popular.​​ The views are tremendous. ​​ ​​​​ Expect strong winds at the top.


Valerie’s Rating: ​​ 


Kenai National Wildlife Refuge


Kenai Wildlife Refuge Maps​​ 


Trail Conditions



Skyline Trail

MP​​ 68.8




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Kelly & Peterson Lakes / Seven Lakes Trail / Kelly Lake Cabin

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpgKayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign


Access: ​​ Turn​​ south off of Sterling Highway​​ and drive​​ .2​​ miles to the​​ “Y”​​ intersection. ​​ Kelly Lake is​​ .3​​ miles to the left, and Petersen Lake is​​ .2​​ miles to the right. ​​​​ 3 sites​​ at​​ each Lake.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 31.790’

Long W 150⁰​​ 23.152’

Elevation ​​ 366’


Distance:​​ 4.4​​ miles to Engineer Lake​​ parking lot,​​ and .25 mile to Kelly Lake Cabin

Elevation Gain:​​ 150’

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy, except for the trail tread​​ has​​ a lot of roots

Best Months:​​ Year-round


This trail is mostly for fishing access, though the forest is pretty and the lakes are peaceful.


Valerie’s Rating: ​​ 






Wildlife Viewing Locations


Trail Conditions



Seven Lakes Trail


Kelly Lake Cabin

MP​​ 70.7



Egumen Lake Trail

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpg ​​​​ 


Access: ​​ There is a small parking lot on the south side of the highway. ​​ Walk 150 yards east​​ along​​ the highway to the trailhead.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 31.867’

Long W 150⁰ 26.602’

Elevation ​​ 251’


Distance:​​ .4​​ miles

Elevation Drop:​​ 23’

Difficulty:​​ Easy

Best Months:​​ Year-round


I would only use this trail for a leg-stretch, or for fishing. ​​ You don’t get away from the noise of the highway.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2019


Kenai National Wildlife Refuge


Kenai Wildlife Refuge Maps​​ 


Trail Conditions



Egumen Lake Trail


Egumen Lake GPS Trail Map

MP​​ 71.2



Watson Lake

Kayaking - 24x24 Marine Signhttp://www.clker.com/cliparts/1/c/6/9/1316543346287667656Boat%20Launch%20Sign.svg.med.png


Access: ​​ Turn off​​ onto​​ the access road on the​​ north​​ side​​ of​​ the highway; drive​​ .4​​ miles to where it dead-ends at​​ 3​​ campsites​​ and​​ a​​ boat launch. ​​​​ 


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 31.854’

Long W 150⁰​​ 27.544’

Elevation ​​ 289’




MP​​ 75.2




Image result for intersection sign

Skilak Lake Road Junction​​ MP 19


Access: ​​ Turn south onto Skilak Road.​​ [Note: ​​ Cell service is spotty or non-existent on Skilak Lake Road.]


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 31.537’

Long W 150⁰​​ 33.973’


http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpg​​ http://iciclecreekrealestate.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/house-symbol1.jpg​​ Kayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign​​ http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Tent-Camping-Sign-X-RM-010.gif​​ http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gif​​ http://www.clker.com/cliparts/1/c/6/9/1316543346287667656Boat%20Launch%20Sign.svg.med.pnghttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Cross-Country-Skiing-Sign-X-RS-040.gif


Wildlife Viewing Locations



Skilak Wildlife Recreation Area Map


Kenai NWR Cabin Location Map


Kenai Wildlife Refuge Cabins

MP​​ 80.1




Image result for intersection sign

Bing’s Landing State Recreation Area


http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gifhttp://www.clker.com/cliparts/1/c/6/9/1316543346287667656Boat%20Launch%20Sign.svg.med.pngKayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign

Access: ​​ Turn off​​ on​​ the​​ south​​ side of​​ the​​ highway onto Bing’s Landing Road​​ and drive​​ .3 mile​​ into the recreation area. ​​​​ 36 campsites, nice campground.​​ ​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 31.496’

Long W 150⁰​​ 42.569’

Elevation ​​ 243’


Distance:​​ short trails down to and along rivers

Elevation Gain:​​ minimal

Difficulty:​​ easy

Best Months:​​ Year-round

​​ Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2016


Bing's Landing


Kenai River SMA


Kenai River Map



Kenai River Special Management Area


MP​​ 81.9



Izaak Walton Campground


http://www.clker.com/cliparts/1/c/6/9/1316543346287667656Boat%20Launch%20Sign.svg.med.pngKayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign

Access: ​​ The entrance​​ is​​ on​​ the​​ south side of Sterling Highway, right in Sterling. ​​ It’s a pretty place to stop and stretch your legs on the river. ​​​​ 31 campsites.​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 32.157’

Long W 150⁰​​ 45.052’

Elevation ​​ 162’


Izaak Walton Campground


Kenai River SMA


Kenai River Map


Wildlife Viewing Locations



Kenai River Special Management Area

MP 83.4



Swanson River Road


Kayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign

Access: ​​ Turn north onto the Swanson River Road. ​​​​ There are 3 small campgrounds: ​​​​ Dolly Varden Lake at mile 15, Rainbow Lake at mile 16, and Swanson River at mile 18.


Turn Off:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 32.163’

Long W 150⁰​​ 47.664’

Elevation ​​ 243’


Wildlife Viewing Locations


Swanson River Canoe Route



Kenai NWR Visitor Guide


Swanson River Road Campgrounds


Swan Lake Canoe Route


Swanson River Canoe Route

MP 84



Alaska Canoe


Access: ​​ On the north side of​​ the​​ road,​​ nice​​ place to take showers. 907-262-2331.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 32.214’

Long W 150⁰ 48.185’


MP 84.8




Image result for intersection sign

Scout Lake State Recreation Site



Access: ​​ Turn off on​​ the​​ south side of highway​​ onto​​ Scout Lake Loop Road​​ (not the first entrance to the loop, but the​​ second),​​ and​​ then turn​​ immediately​​ right into the parking lot. ​​ The sign is hard to see and it is not well-marked. ​​​​ Day-use only.


Turn Off:  Parking Lot:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 32.228’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 32.192’

Long W 150⁰ 49.705’Long W 150⁰ 49.712’

   Elevation ​​ 283’


Distance:​​ Short trail system along lake edge.

Elevation Gain:​​ minimal

Difficulty:​​ easy

Best Months:​​ Year-round


This is really a neighborhood trail system or good for a leg-stretch while traveling. ​​ You can’t get away from the highway traffic noise.

​​ Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2016


Scout Lake SRS


Kenai River SMA


Kenai River Map



Kenai River Special Management Area

MP 84.8




Image result for intersection sign

Morgan’s Landing State Recreation Area

& Kenai Area State Park Headquarters



Access: ​​ Turn off on​​ the​​ south side of highway​​ onto​​ Scout Lake Loop Road​​ (not the first entrance to the loop, but the​​ second). ​​ Drive​​ 1.5 miles​​ and​​ then turn​​ right on Lou Morgan Road. Drive​​ 1.8 miles,​​ then​​ turn right​​ again​​ and drive .4 miles into​​ the​​ parking lot. ​​ 51 campsites, nice campground.​​ ​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


Turn Off:  Parking Lot:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 32.228’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 30.061’

Long W 150⁰ 49.705’Long W 150⁰​​ 51.865’

   Elevation ​​ 194’


Distance:​​ short trails down to and along river, fishing docks

Elevation Gain:​​ minimal

Difficulty:​​ easy

Best Months:​​ year-round

​​ Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2016


Morgan's Landing SRA


Kenai River SMA


Kenai River Map



Kenai River Special Management Area

MP 93.9



Fred Meyer Soldotna


Access: ​​ On your left as you drive down the hill into Soldotna. ​​ Free dump station and potable water. ​​ You can camp there a maximum of three nights in your RV for free. ​​ (Yes, they do come around and keep track!)


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 29.422’

Long W 151⁰ 03.069’

Elevation ​​ 125’


Fred Meyer Soldotna Store


MP​​ 94.2


Image result for intersection sign

Captain Cook SRS


http://www.clker.com/cliparts/1/c/6/9/1316543346287667656Boat%20Launch%20Sign.svg.med.pngKayaking - 24x24 Marine Signhttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Cross-Country-Skiing-Sign-X-RS-040.gif

Access: ​​ From Soldotna, take the Kenai Spur Highway and follow it for​​ approximately​​ 39 miles. ​​​​ The campground is operated by a concessionaire.​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


Turn Off:  SRS:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 29.210’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 47.253’

Long W 151⁰​​ 03.396’Long W 151⁰​​ 02.504’

   Elevation ​​ 122’



Captain Cook SRA


Discovery Campground


Wildlife Viewing Locations



Captain Cook SRA Map

MP​​ 95.3


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Funny River Campground



Access: ​​ Go through Soldotna to​​ the last light and turn left (east) on Funny River Road. ​​ Drive​​ ~11.2​​ miles to Piper Place. ​​ 10​​ campsites.​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


Turn Off:  SRS:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 28.490’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 29.530’

Long W 151⁰ 05.071’Long W 150⁰​​ 51.532’

   Elevation ​​ 125’



Funny River Campground


Kenai River SMA


Kenai River Map


Wildlife Viewing Locations



Kenai River Special Management Area

MP​​ ​​ 95.3

& 97.9




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Kenai Nat’l Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center



Access: ​​ On the far side of Soldotna, turn left onto Funny River Road, then an​​ immediate​​ turn right onto Ski Hill Road. ​​ Drive​​ .8 mile to the visitor center,​​ and then​​ turn left into​​ the​​ visitor center parking lot. ​​ Or turn east at MP 97.9 and drive 1.2 miles on Ski Hill Road,​​ and turn right into​​ the​​ parking lot.


Turn Off:  Visitor Center:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 28.490’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 27.888’

Long W 151⁰ 05.071’Long W 151⁰​​ 04.493’

   Elevation ​​ 253’


There are 3.2 miles of trails from the Visitor Center. ​​ See the​​ Kenai NWR Visitor Guide​​ page 4, in the “Downloads,” or visit the links.





Kenai National Wildlife Refuge


Kenai Nat'l Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center


Visitor Activities








Canoe System


FAA Webcam Weather Conditions


Wildlife Viewing Locations 1


Wildlife Viewing Locations 2



Kenai NWR Visitor Guide


Kenai NWR map Boundaries​​ 


Skilak Wildlife Recreation Area Map


Kenai NWR Cabin Location Map

MP 97.8




MP 97.8 Road Weather Conditions

MP 97.9



Tsalteshi Trails


Access: ​​ On the west side of the highway, near​​ Skyview Middle School. ​​​​ After turning toward the school, either take the first right and park next to the school, or go straight toward the Stadium, and park near the​​ hockey rink. ​​ The lighted loops are on the far side of the hockey rink.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 27.492’

Long W 151⁰ 06.183’

Elevation ​​ 171’


Tsalteshi Trails Nordic Association


Trail Conditions



Tsalteshi Ski Trails Aerial Map


Tsalteshi Ski Trails Map with Distances

MP​​ 109.1



Kasilof River State Recreation Site

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpgKayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign


Access: ​​ Turn​​ east​​ onto Spetz,​​ and​​ then​​ take an​​ immediate left​​ into​​ the​​ SRS. ​​ Day use only. ​​ There are some short fisherman’s trails,​​ which makes for a nice leg​​ stretch by the river.​​ ​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 18.867’

Long W 151⁰ 15.575’

Elevation ​​ 80’


Kasilof River SRS


State Parks Near Kasilof


Wildlife Viewing Locations 1


Wildlife Viewing Locations 2

MP​​ 110.1




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Johnson Lake State Recreation Area


http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpgKayaking - 24x24 Marine Signhttp://www.clker.com/cliparts/1/c/6/9/1316543346287667656Boat%20Launch%20Sign.svg.med.png

Access: ​​ Turn left onto​​ Johnson Lake Loop Road. ​​ Drive​​ .5 mile,​​ then​​ turn left on Tustumena Lake Road. ​​ Drive​​ .1 mile and turn right into​​ the​​ campground. ​​ 48 campsites. ​​ Short walks​​ around lake.​​ ​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


Turn Off:  SRA:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 17.811’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 17.886’

Long W 151⁰​​ 16.513’Long W 151⁰​​ 15.931’

   Elevation ​​ 179’

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2016


Johnson Lake SRA


State Parks Near Kasilof


Wildlife Viewing Locations


MP​​ 110.8




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Crooked Creek State Recreation Site​​ 


http://www.clker.com/cliparts/1/c/6/9/1316543346287667656Boat%20Launch%20Sign.svg.med.pngKayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign

Access: ​​ Turn west onto North Cohoe Loop Road. ​​​​ Drive 1.7 miles, then right on Rilinda.​​ ​​ Drive​​ .4 miles, then left into​​ the SRS. ​​ 24 campsites.​​ ​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


​​ Turn Off:  SRA:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 17.807’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 19.289’

Long W 151⁰​​ 16.536’Long W 151⁰​​ 17.203’

   Elevation ​​ 52’

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2016


Crooked Creek SRS


State Parks Near Kasilof


Wildlife Viewing Locations



MP​​ 117.3




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Clam Gulch State Recreation Area

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpgKayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign


Access: ​​ Turn west from the Sterling Highway​​ and drive​​ .5 miles. ​​ You can hike the beach.​​ 120 campsites, but this is a parking lot for RV’s, and there are very few tables. ​​​​ This is a heavily commercialized area, and its primary purpose is for fishing access.​​ ​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


Turn Off:  SRA:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 13.971’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 14.305’

Long W 151⁰​​ 23.274’Long W 151⁰​​ 23.787’

   Elevation ​​ 121’


Distance: ​​​​ beach, as far as you want

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ None

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-round, but the road down is steep and may be very icy and unmaintained in winter.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2016


Clam Gulch SRA


Clam Gulch SRA Information


Clam Gulch SRA Map




MP​​ 134.5




Ninilchik River​​ Campground



Access:​​ East​​ side​​ of​​ the​​ Sterling Highway. ​​ 39 campsites.​​ ​​ 2-3 campsites per​​ parking pad, in​​ the​​ trees. ​​ This campground is good for small groups of people, or those that don’t mind sharing close adjacent sites. ​​​​ Short trail to​​ the​​ river. ​​​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 03.168’

Long W 151⁰​​ 39.109’

Elevation ​​ 165’

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2016


Ninilchik River Campground


Ninilchik SRA



MP​​ 134.9



Ninilchik Scenic Overlook ​​ 


Access: ​​ East side of​​ the​​ Sterling Highway. ​​ 26​​ campsites​​ that are parking spots, some have tables. ​​​​ Short trail to​​ the​​ river.​​ ​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 02.924’

Long W 151⁰​​ 39.238’

Elevation ​​ 102’

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2016


Ninilchik Scenic Overlook


Ninilchik SRA

MP 135.2




MP 135.2 Road Weather Conditions


MP​​ 135.1




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Ninilchik Beach Day Use Area

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpgKayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign


Access: ​​ The website say “Closed due to flood damage,” but​​ only​​ the campground was wiped out. ​​ You can still park next to the beach and hike​​ either​​ direction. ​​​​ Turn west on Mission Avenue, then follow the signs to the boat harbor​​ for​​ .4 miles. ​​ There is still a State Park campground on the bluff above.


Turn Off:  SRA:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 02.864’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 02.939’

Long W 151⁰​​ 39.581’Long W 151⁰​​ 40.300’

   Elevation ​​ 1’


Distance: ​​​​ Depends on tides.

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 0

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy

Best Months:​​ Year-round

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2016


Ninilchik Beach Day Use Area


Ninilchik SRA




MP​​ 135.5



Ninilchik View Campground


Access: ​​ West side of​​ the​​ Sterling Highway. ​​ 14 campsites, nice campground. ​​​​ There is a trail down to​​ the beach and you can hike in either direction (see above).​​ ​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 02.737’

Long W 151⁰​​ 40.231’

Elevation ​​ 75’


Ninilchik View Campground


Ninilchik SRA


MP​​ 136.5 & MP 136.7


Deep Creek North & South Overlooks


Access: ​​ East side of​​ the​​ Sterling​​ Highway. ​​ One is on the north side of Deep Creek, the other on the South. ​​ Both are parking lots, but camping is allowed.​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


North:   South:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 01.836’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 01.726’

Long W 151⁰​​ 40.899’Long W 151⁰​​ 41.145’

Elevation ​​ 37’  Elevation ​​ 57’


Deep Creek North & South


Deep Creek SRA

MP​​ 137.2



Deep Creek Beach and Campground

http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Tent-Camping-Sign-X-RM-010.gifhttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gifhttp://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpgKayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign


Access: ​​ Turn right on Wayside Road​​ and​​ drive​​ .4 miles to​​ the​​ campground. 100 campsites​​ next to​​ the​​ beach, parking lot-style;​​ most sites​​ have​​ tables.​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


Turn Off:  SRA:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 01.578’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰​​ 01.883’

Long W 151⁰​​ 41.908’Long W 151⁰​​ 42.137’

   Elevation ​​ 6’


Distance: ​​​​ beach hiking to south

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ None

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-round, but road may be​​ icy and unmaintained in winter.


Deep Creek Beach & Campground


Deep Creek SRA


Deep Creek SRA Information


Wildlife Viewing Locations


MP​​ 151.8



Stariski State Recreation Site


Access: ​​ West side of​​ the​​ Sterling Highway. ​​ The turn-off is a little confusing, since there is another road about 30 feet before it​​ that is​​ after​​ the sign placement. ​​ Pass that one and take the​​ next​​ right. ​​ If you are on a road instead of immediately entering the campground, then you took the wrong turn. ​​ 14​​ campsites, nice campground, on​​ the​​ bluff.​​ ​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N​​ 59⁰​​ 50.487’

Long W 151⁰​​ 48.677’

Elevation ​​ 207’

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2016


Stariski SRS



MP 156.7


Anchor Point




FAA Webcam Weather Information


MP​​ 157




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Anchor River State Recreation Area

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpghttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Tent-Camping-Sign-X-RM-010.gif ​​​​ Kayaking - 24x24 Marine Signhttp://www.clker.com/cliparts/1/c/6/9/1316543346287667656Boat%20Launch%20Sign.svg.med.png


Access: ​​ Turn west onto​​ the​​ Old Sterling Highway​​ and drive.4 miles, then right again on Anchor River Road. ​​​​ There are 4 campgrounds​​ (46 campsites)​​ in this recreation area, and you can hike the beach.​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


Turn Off:  SRA:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N​​ 59⁰​​ 46.548’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N​​ 59⁰​​ 46.255’

Long W 151⁰​​ 49.986’Long W 151⁰​​ 50.182’

   Elevation ​​ 8’


Silver campground​​ – at intersection of Anchor River Rd, parking lot-style

Coho campground​​ - .2 mile, parking lot-style​​ 

Steelhead campground​​ - .4 mile, parking lot-style

Slidehole campground​​ - .7 mile, nice campground

Halibut campground​​ – 1 mile, nice campground, beach views


Distance: ​​​​ beach access at 1.1 mile, hiking from there

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ None

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-round


Anchor River SRA


Anchor River SRA Information


Coho Campground


Silver King Campground


Slidehole Campground


Steelhead Campground


Halibut Campground


Wildlife Viewing Locations


MP​​ 167



Diamond Creek State Recreational Site and Trail

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpg ​​​​ 


Access: ​​ Even though the State Parks website says that this area is undeveloped, a​​ .9​​ mile​​ dirt road leads to a small parking lot.​​ ​​ The​​ gate may be open or closed, but the road is​​ deeply​​ potholed anyway, so​​ you might want to​​ park​​ near the highway and walk in​​ either way.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N​​ 59⁰​​ 40.445’

Long W 151⁰​​ 40.654’

Elevation ​​ 534’


Distance:​​ .6 mile

Elevation Drop: ​​ 338’

Difficulty: ​​​​ Moderate

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-round, but in winter you must hike from the highway.


From the parking lot, there appears to be two options – go straight from the end of the road, or go to the left. ​​ The left option is the trail that goes down to the beach. ​​ There is a kiosk a few feet down the trail. ​​​​ There is a warning at the kiosk: ​​ “Trail Not Maintained. ​​ Hike at your own risk.”  ​​ ​​​​ The trail has a lot of drainage problems and is sloughing in some places, but still seems safe enough​​ as of​​ 11/18 if you stay away from edges. ​​ This trail may be re-built in the future.  ​​​​ On​​ low tides, you can hike all the way​​ to Bishop’s Beach​​ in Homer​​ (approximately 6.5 miles), with a car shuttle. ​​ Be sure to check​​ a​​ tide book​​ as there are cliffs too steep to climb if you were to be caught by the tides that cover the beach in places. ​​​​ There is an interesting mudslide slough on the hillside that pushed up a buckle of land in the sea just offshore in about 2010. ​​​​ Be aware if you hike​​ from​​ Homer to this trailhead, there is no marker indicating the trail down to the beach. ​​ It is better to go from north to south​​ for this reason.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ ​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018


Diamond Creek Trail


Homer Tides


Trail Conditions



Diamond Creek Beach Trail GPS Map




MP​​ 169.6



Viewpoint overlooking Homer

http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gif ​​​​ http://www.volksfest-straubing.de/system/html/webcam_symbol-31e9b9ae.jpg

Access: ​​ Right side of highway.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N​​ 59⁰​​ 39.266’

Long W 151⁰​​ 37.650’

Elevation ​​ 774’


Homer has all the services you need. ​​ I recommend a stop at the Islands and Oceans Visitor Center​​ (MP 173.2)​​ both for the exhibits and for information. The Shorebird Festival in May is a popular event for birders.


Trails: ​​​​ There aren’t a lot of summer trails available in Homer. ​​ Mostly it is winter ski trails, a few of which​​ are​​ suitable for summer use, so I am just providing links here. ​​ The Baycrest Ski Trail area (from Roger’s Loop) has the best summer hiking (see link), but it’s not very long. ​​ Most of the hiking​​ in this area​​ is​​ in​​ Kachemak Bay​​ State Park​​ (via water taxi), so unless you are going across the Bay,​​ or want to see Homer and hike the beaches, most of the good hiking​​ is found before​​ Sterling Highway​​ MP 75.2. ​​​​ Due to funding cuts, State Parks trails in Kachemak Bay are not being well-maintained​​ some summers,​​ and people are getting lost due to overgrown trails. ​​ It’s advisable to​​ check with State Parks for trail conditions​​ before​​ investing in a trip across the​​ Bay.


From​​ Bishop’s Beach​​ you can walk along the beach either to the north to Diamond Creek Trail​​ (see MP 167 for more information, but I recommend north to south because the northern trailhead would be very easy to miss from the beach), or a short distance to the south, or to/from the Islands and Oceans Visitor Center.


Islands and Oceans Visitor Center


Homer Parks & Facilities


Homer Campgrounds


Kachemak Nordic Ski Club ​​​​ (Directions to​​ trailheads here)


McNeil & Eveline Ski Trails


Shorebird Festival


FAA Webcam Weather Information


Homer Tide Chart


Friends of Kachemak Bay State Park


Wildlife Viewing Locations 1


Seaside Hostel



Homer Parks and Trails Map


Bay Crest Trails - Homer


Lookout Trail System Homer

MP​​ 173.2



Islands and​​ Oceans Visitor Center



Access: ​​ Turn into​​ the​​ parking lot on​​ the​​ west side of​​ the​​ road. ​​​​ This is a really​​ nice visitor center and well worth the stop.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N​​ 59⁰​​ 38.514’

Long W 151⁰​​ 32.319’

Elevation ​​ 73’



Islands and Oceans Visitor Center


Wildlife Viewing Locations 2


Wildlife Viewing Locations 3


Wildlife Viewing Locations 4


Wildlife Viewing Locations 5


Wildlife Viewing Locations 6


Wildlife Viewing Locations 7


Wildlife Viewing Locations 8

MP 173.6



Dump Station


West side of​​ the​​ highway, right before​​ the​​ traffic light. ​​ The dump station and potable water​​ are​​ available for a small fee. ​​​​ There is another one out on the​​ Homer​​ Spit.


RV Dump Stations

Homer Spit Road




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The Washboard


Access: ​​ Go through the light​​ .6 mile, across the causeway and​​ curve​​ left on Ocean Drive.​​ The Washboard is​​ on​​ the​​ left side. ​​ Showers​​ and laundromat.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N​​ 59⁰​​ 38.302’

Long W 151⁰​​ 30.739’


East End Road




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Calvin & Coyle Nature Trail



Access: ​​ From the traffic light on the Sterling highway, turn left onto Lake Street​​ and drive​​ .4 mile,​​ then​​ turn right on East End Road and drive 1.1 miles.​​ Then​​ turn right on Mariner Drive,​​ and the​​ parking lot is​​ at the​​ end of road​​ at .1 mile. ​​​​ There is only room for 3 cars.


Turn Off:  Trailhead:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 59⁰ 39.367’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 59⁰​​ 39.237’

Long W 151⁰ 29.928’Long W 151⁰ 29.933’

   Elevation ​​ 54’


Distance: ​​​​ 1.4 miles round-trip

Elevation​​ Drop: ​​​​ 118’

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-round


If you​​ enjoy​​ a short walk through the woods, you might like this trail, but there aren’t a lot of views​​ except for a platform on the edge of Beluga Slough, across from the airport. ​​​​ The boardwalk is very slippery and there are some mudholes, and the trail has not been maintained since it was built​​ several years ago.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018


Calvin & Coyle Park


Trail Conditions



Calvin & Coyle Trail map


Calvin & Coyle GPS Trail Map

East Skyline Road




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Wynn Nature Center


No Dog Symbol Dog Sign

Access: ​​ From the traffic light on the Sterling highway, turn left onto Lake Street and drive .4 mile,​​ then​​ turn right​​ on East End Road​​ and drive​​ .8​​ mile. Turn left on East Hill Road​​ and drive 2.4 miles. ​​​​ At​​ the top of East Hill Road,​​ where it is intersected​​ by West Skyline coming in on your left,​​ stay to the right​​ on East Skyline Road.​​ ​​ Drive​​ 1.6​​ miles​​ and look for​​ the sign and parking lot for Wynn Nature Center on your left. ​​​​ Daily guided hikes. ​​ There is a fee for use.


Lat ​​  ​​​​ N 59⁰ 41.084’

Long W 151⁰​​ 28.408’

Elevation ​​ 1323’


Wynn Nature Center


Wildlife Viewing Locations 9


Trail Conditions



Carl E Wynn Nature Center Trail Map


Road to Wynn Nature Center Map

East Skyline Road/

Ohlson Mt. Rd.


Image result for intersection sign

Lookout Ski Trails

http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Cross-Country-Skiing-Sign-X-RS-040.gifNo Dog Symbol Dog Sign

Access: ​​ From the traffic light on the Sterling highway, turn left onto Lake Street and drive .4 mile, then turn right on East End Road and drive .8 mile.​​ ​​ Turn left on East Hill Road and drive 2.4 miles.​​ ​​ At the top of East Hill Road, where it is intersected by West Skyline coming in on your left, stay to the right on East Skyline Road.​​ ​​ Drive 2.8 miles and turn left on​​ Ohlson Mountain Road​​ for 2 miles; the ski area is on the​​ left.


Kachemak Nordic Ski Club


Lookout Webcam



Lookout Ski Trails

East Skyline Road/

Ohlson Mt. Rd.​​ 


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Homer Rope Tow

Ski Lift

Access: ​​ From the traffic light on the Sterling highway, turn left onto Lake Street and drive .4 mile, then turn right on East End Road and drive .8 mile.​​ ​​ Turn left on East Hill Road and drive 2.4 miles.​​ ​​ At the top of East Hill Road, where it is intersected by West Skyline coming in on your left, stay to the right on East Skyline Road.​​ ​​ Drive 2.8 miles and turn left on Ohlson Mountain Road for 3.4 miles; the ski area is on the​​ left.


Ski Area


East End Road




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McNeil Canyon Ski Trails


Access: ​​ From the traffic light on the Sterling highway, turn left onto Lake Street and drive .4 mile,​​ then turn right on East End Road and drive 12.2 miles​​ to McNeil Canyon Elementary School; turn left into the parking lot.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 59⁰ 44.688’

Long W 151⁰ 15.456’

Elevation ​​ 1317’


Kachemak Nordic Ski Club


McNeil & Eveline Ski Trails Map


McNeil Webcam



McNeil & Eveline Ski Trails Map

East End Road




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Eveline State Recreation Site and Trail System


Access: ​​ From the traffic light on​​ the Sterling highway, turn left onto Lake Street and drive .4 mile, then turn right on East End Road and drive 13.4 miles, turn left onto Alpine Meadow Drive, and drive .4 mile to the trailhead. ​​ Mostly for x-country skiing.


Turn Off:  Trailhead:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 59⁰​​ 45.108’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 59⁰​​ 45.449’

Long W 151⁰​​ 13.772’Long W 151⁰ 14.077’

   Elevation ​​ 1509’


Eveline SRS


Kachemak Nordic Ski Club


McNeil & Eveline Ski Trails Map


Trail Conditions



McNeil & Eveline Ski Trails Map


Water or Air Taxi

Kachemak Bay State Park


http://iciclecreekrealestate.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/house-symbol1.jpgKayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign




Friends of Kachemak Bay State Park


Kachemak Bay State Park


Kachemak Bay SWP


Kachemak Bay State Park Information


Wildlife Viewing Locations 10


Wildlife Viewing Locations 11


Wildlife Viewing Locations 12


Trail Reports and Park Conditions


Kachemak Bay State Park​​ Trail Conditions


Water and Air Taxis


Cabin Reservations



Kachemak Bay State Park Brochure


Kachemak Bay SP Map 2016


Halibut Cove Cabin Fact Sheet


China Poot Cabin Fact Sheet


Moose Valley Cabin Fact Sheet


Alpine Ridge Trail Guide


China Poot Lake Trail Guide


Emerald Lake Loop & Mallard Bay Trails Guide


Glacier Lake, Saddle, & Blue Ice Trails Guide


Grace Ridge Trail Guide


Moose Valley Trail Guide


Poot Peak Trail Guide


Sadie Knob Trail Guide


Wosnesenski River Trails Guide


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