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Denali Park Road

MP 0


Image result for intersection sign

Denali National Park Road​​ 


Intersection with Parks Highway​​ MP 237.3





Access: ​​ Turn west into the Denali National Park main entrance. ​​ The​​ entrance​​ complex, which is just off the Parks Highway, contains the Visitor Center, the Wilderness Access Center (where the buses leave from), a post​​ office, a small store, showers/RV dump station (which are purchased at the store), a campground, the sled dog kennels (used for patrolling the Park in winter), and trails. For most of the​​ summer​​ you can only drive into the Park for 14.5 miles to the Savage River, unless you have a campsite reserved​​ at​​ Teklanika River Campground.​​ To get past Savage River, you must board a bus (see the Denali Park website). ​​ NOTE: ​​ you will not have cell service much past the entrance to the Park, and there is no gas station inside the Park. ​​ The nearest gas is located just north of the Park Entrance.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 63⁰ 43.713’

Long W 148⁰ 53.178’

Elevation ​​ 1569’

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172516-lrg.jpghttp://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpghttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Showers-Symbol-Sign-X-RA-130.gifhttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Tent-Camping-Sign-X-RM-010.gifhttp://www.turningwatersbandb.com/wp-content/uploads/Bicycle-Trail-Symbol-Sign-X-RL-090.jpg​​ http://cdn.compliancesigns.com/media/parking-control/300/Parks-Camping-Sign-PKE-16904_300.gifhttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gifhttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Cross-Country-Skiing-Sign-X-RS-040.gifhttp://www.volksfest-straubing.de/system/html/webcam_symbol-31e9b9ae.jpg


Denali Visitor Access Bus Information


Free Park Entrance Shuttle Buses


Park Sled Dog Kennels


Park Maps




Eielson Visitor Center


FAA Weather Webcam


Denali Park Webcams


Denali Facebook Page


Wildlife Viewing Locations



Park Newspaper 100th Anniversary 2017

MP​​ .4​​ 



Riley Creek Mercantile & Campground




Access: ​​ Turn left​​ for​​ the campground,​​ the Mercantile​​ (store),​​ showers and dump station. ​​ There is no gas here.​​ The campground is open year-round.


There is a connector trail from the campground leading over to the Visitor Center, or you can connect with​​ the​​ Triple Lakes Trail. ​​​​ See the download for Park Entrance Trails.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 63⁰ 44.007’

Long W 148⁰ 53.635’

Elevation ​​ 1618’


Riley Creek Campground


Riley Creek Campground Reservations


Free Park Entrance Shuttle Buses



Park Entrance Trails


Entrance Area Photo with Trails Overlaid

MP​​ .7



Wilderness Access Center



Access: ​​ Turn right into the Wilderness Access Center​​ and Backcountry Information Center.


This is where you catch the buses that go into Denali. ​​ NPS rangers​​ are​​ available to answer your questions, issue backpacking permits, and book Igloo and Sanctuary River Campgrounds. ​​ 


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 63⁰ 44.216’

Long W 148⁰ 54.216’

Elevation ​​ 1704’


Wilderness Access Center (Bus Depot)


Bus Information


Bus Reservations


Free Park Entrance Shuttle Buses


Backpacking Units and Permits



Park Entrance Trails


Entrance Area Photo with Trails Overlaid

MP​​ 1.4



Denali Visitor Center



Access: ​​ Follow the signs at the round-about to the Visitor Center.


This is a good place to get oriented to the Park, before proceeding to the Wilderness Access Center to board your bus into the Park. ​​ Several trails can be accessed from this parking lot. ​​​​ I have only highlighted the longer trails​​ below; see the Park Entrance Trails download and other downloads for the full list of shorter trails.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 63⁰ 43.918’

Long W 148⁰ 55.017’

Elevation ​​ 1776’



Denali Visitor Center


Trail Guides


Featured Trails (Download)


Free Park Entrance Shuttle Buses


FAA Weather Webcam


Webcam Railroad Depot


Webcam - Visitor Center Bronze Grizzly



Park Entrance Trails


Entrance Area Photo with Trails Overlaid


Roadside Trail


McKinley Station Trail

MP 1.4



Triple Lakes Trail


No Dog Symbol Dog Sign

Access: ​​ Follow the signs from the Visitor Center.


Distance: ​​​​ 9.5​​ miles​​ to the Parks Highway. There are also​​ side trails down to the lakes.

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 1000’

Difficulty:​​ ​​ Easy-moderate​​ with a steeper downhill section to get to the Parks Hwy

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-round

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2015


Triple Lakes Trail


Trail Conditions



Park Entrance Trails


Entrance Area Photo with Trails Overlaid


Triple Lakes Trail

MP 1.4



Mt Healy Overlook Trailhttp://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpghttp://www.volksfest-straubing.de/system/html/webcam_symbol-31e9b9ae.jpgNo Dog Symbol Dog Sign

Access: ​​ From the Visitor Center, take the Taiga Trail for .5 miles, and look for the Mt. Healy Overlook Trail Junction.


Distance: ​​​​ 2.7 miles​​ 

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 1700’

Difficulty: ​​​​ Strenuous

Best Months: ​​​​ Summer


Beautiful views. ​​ It is possible to continue​​ past the end of the trail​​ along the ridge toward Healy and descend in a few places, but this​​ section​​ is a​​ route​​ and not a trail. ​​ You should not attempt this​​ route​​ without​​ good visibility and a topo map, and local advice.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2011


Mount Healy Overlook Trail


Mt. Healy Alpine Webcam


Trail Conditions



Park Entrance Trails


Entrance Area Photo with Trails Overlaid


Mt Healy Overlook Trail

MP 1.4



Rock Creek Trail


No Dog Symbol Dog Sign

Access: ​​ From the Visitor Center, take the Taiga Trail, and look for the​​ Rock Creek​​ Trail Junction​​ at about .4 miles.


Distance:​​ 2.4 miles to the Sled Dog Kennels

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 400’

Difficulty: ​​​​ Moderate

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-round


I only give this a “3,” just because there are so many outstanding places to hike in the Park that provide much better views by comparison.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2011


Rock Creek Trail


Trail Conditions



Park Entrance Trails


Entrance Area Photo with Trails Overlaid


Rock Creek Trail

MP​​ 1.5



Murie Science & Learning Center


No Dog Symbol Dog Sign

Access: ​​ Turn right into the Murie Science and Learning Center.


This Center functions as the main Visitor Center in winter. ​​ There are some winter trails that leave​​ from here.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 63⁰ 43.986’

Long W 148⁰ 55.126’

Elevation ​​ 1789’


Murie Science and Learning Center


Free Park Entrance Shuttle Buses



Park Entrance Trails


MP 3.4



Park Headquarters and Sled Dog​​ Kennels


http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gifhttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Cross-Country-Skiing-Sign-X-RS-040.gifhttp://www.volksfest-straubing.de/system/html/webcam_symbol-31e9b9ae.jpgNo Dog Symbol Dog Sign

Access: ​​ Turn left into​​ the​​ parking area and walk a short distance to the kennels​​ (about 200 yards), or take the free courtesy bus​​ from the Wilderness Access Center or Visitor Center.​​ In winter, the Park road is only open to this point.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 63⁰ 43.290’

Long W 148⁰ 57.966’

Elevation ​​ 2030’


There are sled dog demonstrations here during the summer​​ up to three times per day, but​​ the​​ dogs are available to​​ see much​​ of the time; check the open hours posted on the Park website. ​​ The kennels are well worth the stop before heading​​ further​​ into the Park. ​​ 

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2017


Free Park Entrance Shuttle Buses


Park Sled Dog Kennels


Sled Dog Puppies Webcam



Park Entrance Trails


Entrance Area Photo with Trails Overlaid


MP​​ 12.6



Mountain Vista​​ & Savage Alpine Trails


No Dog Symbol Dog Sign

Access: ​​ Turn left into the Mountain Vista parking area.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 63⁰ 43.019’

Long W 149⁰ 15.190’

Elevation ​​ 2816’


Mountain Vista Trail:

Distance:​​ .7 miles​​ RT for​​ the​​ interpretive loop, .9 for​​ the​​ river loop

Elevation​​ Drop: ​​​​ 72’​​ 

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy

Best Months: ​​​​ Summer


This loop starts near the parking lot restrooms. ​​ It’s a nice interpretive trail that explores one of the first visitor lodging areas in the early Park.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018


Savage Alpine Trail:

Distance: ​​​​ 4 miles to Savage River Loop Trail / free shuttle

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 1500’

Difficulty: ​​​​ Moderate/Strenuous

Best Months: ​​​​ Summer


Walk to the Park road​​ .1 mile and cross to the trailhead. ​​ I recommend starting from this end of the trail for several reasons: ​​ there is far more parking at the Mountain Vista Parking area, the incline is gentler from this end, and it’s easy to hop on the free shuttle on the other end and get back to your car here.​​ You will need to tell the bus driver to pull into the Mountain Vista lot if you have left your car here.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2016


Savage River and Mountain Vista


Free Park Entrance Shuttle Buses


Mountain Vista Trail Conditions


Savage Alpine Trail Conditions



Savage River Area Trails Descriptions


Savage River Area Trails Map


Mountain Vista Interp Loop GPS Trail Map

MP​​ 12.6



Savage Cabin​​ Interpretive Loop



Access: ​​ Turn left into the Mountain Vista parking area​​ (see above).​​ 


Distance: ​​​​ 1​​ mile​​ RT interpretive​​ loop, .4 mile one-way​​ to​​ the​​ cabin

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 82’​​ 

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy

Best Months:​​ Summer


Walk to the Park road .1 mile and cross,​​ and​​ then take a left. ​​ If you want to do the interpretive loop, continue straight past the outhouses​​ at .3 mile. ​​ If you just want to go to the cabin, turn right at the outhouses.​​ An interpreter​​ (employed by the bus concessionaire) is​​ stationed here​​ during some hours;​​ they are willing to answer your questions if they don’t have a​​ tour present.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018


Free Park Entrance Shuttle Buses


Trail Conditions



Savage River Area Trails Descriptions


Savage River Area Trails Map


Savage Cabin Interpretive GPS Trail Map

MP 12.7



Savage River Campground


Access: ​​​​ Turn left into the campground. ​​​​ Summer only, open to RV’s and tents. ​​​​ Reservations are required.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 63⁰ 43.063’

Long W 149⁰ 15.378’

Elevation ​​ 2803’


Savage River Campground


Savage River Campground Reservations


Free Park Entrance Shuttle Buses

MP 14.5



Savage River Loop Trail & Savage Check Station


http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gifNo Dog Symbol Dog Sign

Access: ​​ On the right side​​ of the​​ road,​​ there is a​​ very​​ small parking area before you cross the river. ​​ It is recommended that you take the free shuttle​​ to get here​​ instead, since parking is so limited.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 63⁰ 44.306’

Long W 149⁰ 17.507’

Elevation ​​ 2634’


Distance:​​ 2.1​​ mile loop​​ including the​​ River Bar Loop

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 177’

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy

Best Months: ​​​​ Summer


Pretty loop on each side of the river bed. ​​ You can also access the Savage Alpine trail from this end, but I recommend starting from the Mountain Vista parking lot instead​​ (see trail information at MP 12.6). ​​ The check station is as far as you can drive into the Park unless you are staying at Teklanika River Campground.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018


Savage River and Mountain Vista


Savage River Loop Trail


Free Park Entrance Shuttle Buses


Trail Conditions



Savage River Area Trails Descriptions


Savage River Area Trails Map


Savage River Loop GPS Trail Map

MP​​ 17



Primrose Ridge Route

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpghttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gifNo Dog Symbol Dog Sign

Access: ​​ Just before the 17-mile marker, get off the​​ camper​​ bus in the parking lot with a restroom. ​​ Walk west​​ .1​​ mile,​​ and then​​ on the north side of the road​​ (across from a​​ small turn-out)​​ look for an unmarked​​ path​​ that​​ leads up to the ridge.​​ You can go either direction once you reach the ridge. ​​​​ You may also walk 2.4​​ miles from the Savage River check station, which is the terminus for the free shuttle​​ from the Park entrance bus stops.


Distance: ​​​​ 1.5 miles to reach​​ the​​ ridge, then​​ walk​​ either direction

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 1350’+

Difficulty: ​​​​ Strenuous/Moderate

Best Months: ​​​​ Summer


Stunning views, including Denali in the distance on a clear day.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018


Backcountry Unit 26


Trail Conditions



Primrose Ridge Route GPS Trail Map


MP​​ 22.6



Sanctuary River Campground


Access: ​​ Left​​ side of​​ the​​ road. ​​ Summer only, tents only. ​​​​ Advance reservations are NOT offered. Campsites must be booked in person at the Riley Creek Mercantile or Wilderness Access Center no more than two days in advance of​​ the​​ intended dates​​ of stay. ​​​​ Access is by shuttle​​ only​​ – you cannot drive here.


Sanctuary River Campground


Sanctuary River Campground Information

MP​​ 29.1



Teklanika River Campground


Access: ​​​​ Right side of​​ the​​ road. ​​ Summer only. ​​ You may drive your vehicle / RV, but​​ you must​​ reserve a​​ minimum three-night stay, and your vehicle must​​ remain​​ in your campsite for the duration of your stay.​​ ​​ Your vehicle can​​ only​​ leave your campsite when you are ready to travel back to the park entrance.​​ ​​ (This rule does not apply during the Denali Road Lottery, typically held annually in mid-September.)​​ ​​ Once parked, you can use the shuttle system to move around the Park. ​​ Tent campers using the park bus system are not subject to the 3-night minimum stay.


Teklanika River Campground


Teklanika River Campground Reservations


MP​​ 30.2



Teklanika Rest Area


Access: ​​ Right side of​​ the​​ road.


Buses stop here for bathroom breaks.


MP​​ 34



Igloo Creek Campground​​ http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Tent-Camping-Sign-X-RM-010.gifhttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gif

Access: ​​ Left side of​​ the​​ road. ​​ Summer only, tents only. ​​ 7 sites, accessible by camper bus. The bus stop is a short walk from the camp sites - less than 50 yards. ​​ Advance reservations are not possible at this campground. Visitors may only book a site upon arriving in the park, at the Wilderness Access Center,​​ within two days of​​ the​​ desired nights.


Igloo Creek Campground


Igloo Creek Campground Reservations


MP​​ 45.6



Polychrome Overlook

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpgNo Dog Symbol Dog Sign

Access: ​​ Right side of​​ the​​ road. ​​ 


I recommend getting off the bus and hanging out a little bit before the next bus, but it can be very windy here, so make sure you have warm clothes with you.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018


Backcountry Unit 31



Polychrome Overlook Trails Topo Map

MP​​ 53.5



Toklat River​​ Interpretive Center and Rest Area ​​​​ 


Access: ​​ Right side of road. ​​​​ Restrooms, visitor information, and a small bookstore.


All shuttle and tour buses make a stop at Toklat River​​ (except for the Denali Natural History Tour, which turns around at MP 17). The station is staffed by both the National Park Service and Alaska Geographic, a non-profit partner of the Park​​ Service.


Toklat River Interpretive Center


Backcountry Unit 10


MP​​ 65.9



Eielson Visitor Center


Thorofare Ridge Trail


Tundra Loop Trail


Access: ​​ All buses stop​​ here​​ (except for the Denali Natural History Tour, which turns around at MP 17).


Tundra Loop Trail:

Distance: ​​​​ .33 miles

Elevation Gain:​​ Minimal

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy

Best Months: ​​​​ Summer


Thorofare Ridge Trail:

Distance: ​​​​ .82 miles

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 1000’

Difficulty: ​​​​ Strenuous

Best Months: ​​​​ Summer

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2014


Eielson Visitor Center


Hiking Information


FAA Eielson Webcam Denali


Tundra Loop Trail Conditions


Thorofare Ridge Trail Conditions



Eielson VC​​ and Wonder Lake Trails


Thorofare Ridge-Tundra Loop-Gorge Creek Trails Topo Maps


MP​​ 84.4



Wonder Lake Jct.​​ &​​ Campground


Access: ​​​​ Left side of the road.​​ Summer only,​​ 28 campsites,​​ tent only. ​​ 26 miles from Denali. ​​ It’s known for its mosquitoes.​​ 


McKinley Bar Trail Access:​​ After you have turned left toward the Wonder Lake Campground, the trailhead is on the left.


Distance: ​​​​ 2.4 miles to McKinley River

Elevation​​ Drop: ​​​​ 50’

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy

Best Months: ​​​​ Summer


There are several short trails in the area; see the Wonder Lake Area Trails Topo Maps​​ download.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ 


Wonder Lake Campground


Wonder Lake Campground Information


Wonder Lake Webcam


Hiking Information


McKinley Bar Trail Conditions



Eielson VC and Wonder Lake Trails


McKinley Bar GPS Topo Map


Blueberry Hill and Ranger Knob Trails

MP 86.5

Ranger Station




Photo Wonder Lake Ranger Station

MP​​ 92.4




http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpghttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gifNo Dog Symbol Dog Sign

Access: ​​ End of the Road!


Distance:​​ See downloads and links

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ See downloads and links

Difficulty: ​​​​ Moderately​​ Strenuous​​ to Strenuous

Best Months: ​​​​ Summer


Trails from Skyline Lodge:

If you go to the Pass​​ to the north,​​ on the old road across from Skyline Lodge,​​ (1.7 miles, elev.​​ gain 1118’), don’t​​ continue​​ straight​​ from​​ the Pass --​​ past that point it is too overgrown to continue that direction, plus it is marked “No Trespassing”​​ at 2.5 miles​​ from the Skyline Lodge (where the GPS Map ends). ​​ Instead, if you want to hike north on the old Kantishna access road, go to Wickersham Dome​​ to the west​​ and​​ then​​ along the​​ north​​ ridge to​​ re-intersect with the mining road.​​ (See downloads.)


If you​​ want to​​ take the West Ridge​​ and loop back to the Park Road​​ (3.8 miles from​​ the​​ Pass, elev.​​ ascent 883’, descent 2201’),​​ go up to the left when you reach the Pass, then​​ turn left​​ when you crest the ridge​​ (and​​ before hiking up Wickersham Dome to the right), and follow the gentle sloping ridge down. ​​ I recommend​​ hiking the loop in this direction, as hiking through the moss will be easier going downhill. ​​ You will lose a defined​​ route​​ in the​​ wide​​ tundra​​ section, but aim for a pyramid-shaped rock formation. ​​ You will pick up a defined​​ route​​ again to the right of this formation. ​​ You will come to another rock formation – take the​​ route​​ to the right of that and descend a rocky ridge with a well-defined​​ route. ​​ As you get closer to the bottom, the​​ route​​ will split again – take the right fork, which skirts the edge of a small meadow. ​​ You will be going through overgrown Alder here. ​​ You will intersect with the Park road between the Skyline Lodge and Fannie Quigley’s cabin. ​​ You can catch​​ a green​​ camper bus anywhere along here by flagging them down.


The East Ridge is an easy out-and-back​​ (1.1 miles from Pass each way, elevation​​ drop 338’), or you can find a​​ route​​ at the far​​ end​​ point​​ and descend​​ the steep hill​​ to Skyline Lodge.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018


Backcountry Unit 42


Backcountry Unit 43


Fannie Quigley


Fannie Quigley - Mining Hall of Fame


Kantishna Air and Skyline Lodge


Kantishna Area Trail Conditions



Downloads:​​ (1st​​ 4 maps courtesy of Skyline Lodge)


Kantishna Hills Hiking Descriptions and Map


Kantishna Hills Hiking Descriptions


Kantishna Valley Trails Map #1


Kantishna Valley Trails Map #2


Fannie Quigley


Kantishna Trails from Skyline Lodge GPS Topo Maps



To purchase trigger point books, please go to TriggerPointRelief.com.