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Elliott Highway

MP 0


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Intersection with Steese Highway​​ MP 11

The Elliott Highway intersects with the Steese Highway at MP 11 – you actually go​​ straight​​ at the intersection​​ for the Elliott Highway, but the Steese​​ Highway​​ continues with a right turn.


The next gas after this intersection is at​​ either​​ MP 5.5 or​​ MP 151.2​​ Manley Hot Springs. ​​ In 2018, sections of the road were in​​ very​​ poor condition.


White Mountains Trail Condition Report


Facebook Page


White Mountain Cabins


White Mountain Cabins


Wildlife Viewing Locations



Steese & Elliott Hwys Travel Guide - BLM


BLM Campgrounds Steese-Taylor-Elliott Highways


OHV Steese & White Mountains


Steese Natl Conservation Area​​ Map


Beaver Creek Wild & Scenic River Brochure

MP​​ 10.8



Olnes Pond /​​ Lower Chatanika River SRA

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpgKayaking - 24x24 Marine Signhttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Cross-Country-Skiing-Sign-X-RS-040.gifhttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gif

http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Tent-Camping-Sign-X-RM-010.gif​​ http://iciclecreekrealestate.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/house-symbol1.jpg


Access: ​​ West side of​​ the​​ highway, drive 1 mile and turn into​​ the​​ campground on the​​ right. ​​ 12 campsites​​ scattered​​ around the perimeter of the pond. ​​ Some sites are private, some aren’t. ​​ Expect ORV traffic on trails and around​​ the​​ campground. ​​ I recommend hiking elsewhere, though it is allowed here since the trails are multi-use.​​ ​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 65⁰​​ 04.927’

Long W 147⁰ 42.883’

Elevation ​​ 541’


Distance: ​​​​ Trails are short trails around pond to river

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ Minimal

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-round

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018


Lower Chatanika River SRA


Olnes Pond Campground


Olnes Pond Public Use Cabin



Lower Chatanika ATV Brochure


Olnes Pond Public Use Cabin

MP 11.1



Whitefish​​ Campground​​ / Lower Chatanika River SRA


http://www.clker.com/cliparts/1/c/6/9/1316543346287667656Boat%20Launch%20Sign.svg.med.pngKayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign

Access: ​​ Left side of​​ the​​ highway. ​​ Boat launch into river. ​​ Nice​​ campground, 8​​ campsites. ​​ Some​​ sites​​ are​​ private, some not.​​ ​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 65⁰​​ 05.095’

Long W 147⁰​​ 43.670’

Elevation ​​ 499’

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018


Lower Chatanika ATV Brochure


Chatanika River Float Trail brochure

MP​​ 27.8





Wickersham Dome Trailhead



Access: ​​ Turn into to​​ the​​ parking area on​​ the​​ right side of road.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 65⁰​​ 10.665’

Long W 148⁰ 04.680’

Elevation ​​ 2188’


Distance: ​​​​ 3.5 miles to Wickersham​​ Dome,​​ approx.​​ 8​​ miles to the​​ “Summit,”​​ approx. 21 miles to Beaver Creek,​​ 5 mile loop ski trail. ​​ Also at this trailhead is​​ Wickersham Creek Trail​​ --​​ 7​​ miles to Lee’s cabin.​​ See the “BLM White Mountains Brochure” download for a trails map and distance table. ​​ 

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 1440’​​ to Wickersham Dome

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy-Moderate to Wickersham Dome

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-round


Summit and Ski Loop Trails are non-motorized only. ​​ (There is snow machine access to White Mountain National Recreation Area System that leaves from this​​ same​​ parking area via Wickersham Creek Trail, next to the outhouse.) ​​ The first mile​​ of the Wickersham Dome/Summit Trail​​ to the top of the first dome is in good condition and is well worth the hike even if you don’t go any further. ​​ As you dip into a saddle, there may be muddy​​ spots​​ that aren’t too bad. ​​​​ In early spring to late June, hikers may find snow drifts still on the trail.​​ ​​ At 1.7 miles you will reach a signed intersection;​​ take a left to Wickersham Dome.​​ ​​ At 2.6​​ mile​​ there is an unmarked but well-defined “social trail”​​ on the left​​ that departs the main trail for the ridge and granite tors. ​​ The GPS Trail Map (see Downloads) follows this route up to the ridge at 2.8 miles. ​​ Past the tors​​ to the right, there is no worn​​ route, so hiking to the communications tower along the ridge is through uneven tundra. ​​ You will reach the tower and a 360 degree view at 3.4 miles. ​​ Though​​ the GPS trail map​​ shows​​ traveling​​ cross-country to meet up with the main trail​​ after leaving the communications tower, I recommend either returning the way you came, or staying​​ on the ridge a little further before meeting up with the main trail. ​​ Do not attempt this cross-country​​ section​​ without navigational skills and backcountry experience; walking through the moss, rocks, and holes is not easy and you want​​ to make sure you don’t miss the main trail.


If you continue along the Summit Trail, there are boardwalk sections in some of the muddy areas in saddles. ​​ In winter, beyond the junction with the Ski Loop Trail, the Summit Trail is not maintained. ​​ The trail is unmarked and usually covered with deep snow. ​​ Expect travel and route-finding to be moderate to difficult. ​​ The Ski Loop Trail is groomed periodically.​​ Weather can come in rapidly here any time of year, and since you are on a ridge, you will want to carry a GPS and/or compass and be prepared for changing conditions.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018


Wickersham Dome/Summit Trail


Ski Loop Trail


White Mountain Cabins


White Mountain Cabins


White Mountains Trail Condition Report


Wickersham Creek Trail​​ 


Ski Loop Trail​​ 


Summit Trail​​ 


Summit Trail Shelter


Wickersham Dome Area Trails Conditions



Steese & Elliott Hwys Travel Guide - BLM


BLM White Mountains​​ - Winter Trails​​ &​​ Cabins


Wickersham Dome GPS Trail Map


Cabin Reservations - White Mountains NRA


Wickersham Creek Trail


Ski Loop Trail


Summit Trail

MP 39



Grapefruit Rocks


Access: ​​ Turn right on​​ the​​ dirt road just past the overgrown MP 39 marker. ​​ There is a​​ very​​ small parking lot. ​​ 


Distance: ​​​​ .4 miles plus short side trails to rocks

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 591’

Difficulty: ​​​​ Moderate, then strenuous

Best Months:​​ Summer, Fall


Primarily used by technical rock climbers to access the Rocks, the trail starts past the end of the parking lot, just​​ to the right of​​ a blank kiosk. ​​ The trail first skirts above the highway​​ embankment, then heads straight up the mountain​​ (no switchbacks), with side trails to various rock formations.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018


Rock Climbing at Grapefruit Rocks


Grapefruit Rocks Trail Conditions



Steese & Elliott Hwys Travel Guide - BLM


Grapefruit Rocks GPS Topo Map


Rock Climbing at Grapefruit Rocks

MP 57.1



Colorado Creek Trailhead




Access: ​​​​ Turn right into the parking area.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 65⁰​​ 28.219’

Long W 148⁰ 16.041’

Elevation ​​ 614’


Distance: ​​​​ See download for distances of trail network

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ Varies

Difficulty: ​​​​ Varies

Best Months: ​​​​ November to early April. ​​ Winter use only – extensive wetlands in summer


BLM maintains the trail system during the winter season, but trail conditions can change daily. ​​ Some trails can be difficult to follow in certain weather conditions. ​​ You should always be prepared to break trail. ​​ Thin ice, open leads, and overflow are common throughout the area and can create hazardous situations. ​​ Plan for​​ cold weather, high winds, deep snow, and unexpected weather changes. ​​ Temperatures may be as much as 25⁰F​​ colder than Fairbanks, especially on the creeks.​​ ​​ For current conditions, call​​ 907-474-2372.


White Mountains Trail Condition Report


Windy Creek Trail


Cache Mountain Loop Trail


Colorado Creek Trail


White Mountain Cabins


Colorado Creek Area Trails Conditions



Steese & Elliott Hwys Travel Guide - BLM


BLM White Mountains - Winter Trails & Cabins


Cabin Reservations - White Mountains NRA

Windy Creek Trail


Cache Mountain Loop Trail


Colorado Creek Trail

MP 62.5

Fred Blixt Cabin




White Mountain Cabins



Steese & Elliott Hwys Travel Guide - BLM


BLM White Mountains - Winter Trails & Cabins


Cabin Reservations - White Mountains NRA

MP 73.1


Image result for intersection sign

Intersection Dalton Highway




The Elliott Highway makes a sharp left hand turn here. ​​​​ Driving the Dalton Highway involves risks and challenges. ​​ There are no medical facilities, and few vehicle​​ services between Fox​​ and Deadhorse at Prudhoe Bay.​​ ​​ Plan ahead by knowing where to find help and services, packing for emergencies, and stopping at information centers for updates.


FAA Webcam Weather Conditions​​ (Livengood)



Dalton Highway Visitor Guide​​ 2018

MP 151.2



Manly Hot Springs

http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Tent-Camping-Sign-X-RM-010.gifhttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gif​​ http://www.clker.com/cliparts/1/c/6/9/1316543346287667656Boat%20Launch%20Sign.svg.med.pngKayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign


Access: ​​ End of the road.




Manly Hot Springs






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