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Portage Glacier Road

MP 0


Image result for intersection sign

Portage Road-


Intersection with​​ Seward Highway​​ MP 78.9​​ 



Access: ​​ Turn east onto Portage Road; the Portage Glacier Begich-Boggs Visitor Center is 5 miles, and the community of Whittier is​​ approximately​​ 11.3​​ miles from the intersection. Be aware​​ that​​ if you plan to visit Whittier, you will need to drive through the old train tunnel on a schedule, and there is a fee. ​​ See the link to the right.


Turn off:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 49.139’  ​​​​ 

Long W 148⁰ 58.529’

Elevation ​​ 9’


Whittier Information


Tunnel Information


Dock Webcam


Portage Intersection Road Conditions Webcam


Portage Tunnel Road Weather Conditions


Whittier Road Weather Conditions


Wildlife Viewing Locations


See full list of links at the end of this road log.

MP​​ 1.2





Trail of Blue Ice




(Visitor Center end​​ @ MP 5)

Access: ​​ Turn left into Moose Flats Day Use Area. ​​ This trail intersects and crosses Portage Valley Highway in several places and ends at Begich-Boggs Visitor Center, so I have not listed all the access points. ​​ Visit the link or download the attached map for all the access points.


Distance: ​​​​ 5 miles each way

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ Minimal​​ except for 30’​​ at​​ the​​ Portage Lake end

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-round


I’m giving this a​​ “4”​​ because of the great accessibility. ​​ It is a paved trail with many interesting features. ​​ The only down side is the proximity to the road, so you hear traffic the entire time.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2015


Trail of Blue Ice


Trail Conditions



Trail of Blue Ice





MP​​ 3.7





Black Bear Campground

http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Tent-Camping-Sign-X-RM-010.gifhttp://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpg ​​​​ 

http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gifhttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Cross-Country-Skiing-Sign-X-RS-040.gifhttp://www.turningwatersbandb.com/wp-content/uploads/Bicycle-Trail-Symbol-Sign-X-RL-090.jpgKayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign

Access: ​​ South side of​​ the​​ Portage Glacier Road. ​​​​ 13 sites, older campground. ​​ It’s nice, but​​ there’s​​ not a lot of site privacy.​​ ​​ Accesses Trail of Blue Ice.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 47.340’  ​​​​ 

Long W 148⁰ 53.352’

Elevation ​​ 49’



Black Bear Campground




MP​​ 4.4



Williwaw​​ Campground

http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Tent-Camping-Sign-X-RM-010.gifhttp://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpg ​​​​ 


Access: ​​ South side of Portage Glacier Road. ​​​​ 60 sites, very nice campground. ​​ Accesses Trail of Blue Ice.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 47.224’  ​​​​ 

Long W 148⁰ 52.340’

Elevation ​​ 25’


Williwaw Campground


Campground Information



Williwaw Campground Map

MP​​ 4.5



Williwaw Nature Trail

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpgKayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign


Access: ​​ Turn north onto a short road that ends​​ in a parking lot. ​​ You may also​​ start​​ from​​ at the Williwaw Fish Viewing Platform​​ before the Williwaw Campground.


Distance: ​​​​ 1.25 miles one way, connects with Trail of Blue Ice​​ either through the Williwaw Campground or past the Williwaw Nature Trail parking lot. ​​ (See map.)

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ None

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-Round


The ponds are interesting, but you never get far from the road.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2015


Williwaw Nature Trail


Trail Conditions



Williwaw Nature Trail

MP​​ 5




Image result for intersection sign

Begich-Boggs Visitor Center

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpghttp://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172516-lrg.jpghttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Cross-Country-Skiing-Sign-X-RS-040.gifhttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gif ​​​​ Kayaking - 24x24 Marine Signhttp://www.turningwatersbandb.com/wp-content/uploads/Bicycle-Trail-Symbol-Sign-X-RL-090.jpg


Access: ​​ Take the road to the right to access the Visitor Center. Open​​ Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day Weekend. ​​ Part of the parking lot is usually plowed in winter for lake access.


You can no longer see the receding Portage Glacier from the Visitor Center. There is a private boat operation that views the glacier in​​ summer, which has Forest Service Interpreters on board. In winter,​​ when the lake is frozen, skiing, snowshoeing, fat-tire biking, and walking are popular ways to access the area beyond the Visitor Center. ​​​​ It’s not safe to approach the glacier due to calving breaking up the ice. ​​ Portage Glacier can also be viewed from the Portage Pass Trail (see​​ MP 11 below).


Turn off:  Visitor Center:

Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 47.181’Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 60⁰ 47.004’

Long W 148⁰ 51.214’Long W 149⁰ 50.474’

Elevation ​​ 40’  Elevation ​​ 77’


Begich Boggs Visitor Center


BBVC Program Schedule


BBVC History


Portage Glacier Cruises


FAA Webcam Weather Conditions


MP 5




Image result for intersection sign

Moraine Nature Trail/Gary Williams Memorial Trail



Access: ​​ Begich-Boggs Visitor Center (see above).


Distance:​​ ¼ mile loop trail

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ Minimal

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-round


If you are at the visitor center, this short trail interprets the rapidly receding glaciers. ​​​​ The trailhead is located next to the outhouses off the west side of the Visitor Center parking lot.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​ ​​ ​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018 ​​ ​​ ​​​​ 


Moraine Nature Trail


Trail Conditions



Gary Williams Memorial Trail

MP​​ 5




Image result for intersection sign

Byron Glacier Trail

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpg ​​​​ 


Access: ​​ Turn right at the​​ turn off to​​ Begich-Boggs Visitor Center and​​ curve right onto Byron Glacier Road;​​ drive 1.1 miles. ​​ (The road accessing the trailhead is only open Spring​​ through​​ Fall.) ​​ The trailhead​​ is on the right. ​​​​ There is an overflow parking area another .3​​ miles past the main trailhead.


Distance:​​ .9​​ mile each way

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 246’

Difficulty:​​ Easy

Best Months: ​​​​ Spring (after avalanche danger has passed)​​ -​​ Fall


This trail is well-worth the short and easy hike, though expect the trail to be crowded.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018


Byron Glacier Trail


Trail Conditions



Byron Glacier GPS Trail Map


MP 6.5



 ​​​​ http://www.volksfest-straubing.de/system/html/webcam_symbol-31e9b9ae.jpg

Whittier Tunnel​​ – Toll required. ​​ In summer, the tunnel going toward Whittier opens on the half-hour, for 15 minutes. ​​ From Whittier back to Portage,​​ it opens on the hour. ​​ Arrive at least 10 minutes early. ​​ See the website for the current schedule. ​​ Oversize vehicles are only allowed through twice per day (see schedule). ​​ Trains may disrupt​​ the​​ schedule, so a delay of 15-30 minutes can be expected.


Portage Intersection Road Conditions Webcam


Portage Tunnel Road Weather Conditions


Tunnel Information

MP​​ 11





Portage Pass Trail



Access: ​​ Go through​​ the​​ Whittier Tunnel. ​​ Follow the signs and take the first right past the bathrooms, across the railroad tracks. ​​ Parking is very limited.


Distance: ​​​​ 2 miles each way

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 750’

Difficulty: ​​​​ Difficult

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-round


I have not done this trail myself, but I hear it is spectacular. ​​ It ends at Portage Lake, with a view of the glacier.


Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ 


Portage Pass Trail


Tunnel Information


Trail Conditions



Portage Pass Trail


Portage Pass Trail Aerial Topo Map

MP​​ 11.3




Kayaking - 24x24 Marine Signhttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gif

http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Tent-Camping-Sign-X-RM-010.gifhttp://www.clker.com/cliparts/1/c/6/9/1316543346287667656Boat%20Launch%20Sign.svg.med.pnghttp://iciclecreekrealestate.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/house-symbol1.jpghttp://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/36/5436-004-302AD802.gifhttp://www.volksfest-straubing.de/system/html/webcam_symbol-31e9b9ae.jpg ​​​​ http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Showers-Symbol-Sign-X-RA-130.gif

Access to USFS cabins by boat or air.


There is a private campground (see link).


Most of the reason for going to Whittier is to get on a boat or ferry. ​​ 


Showers are located at the Small Boat Harbor (see link).


Whittier Information


Tunnel Information


Dock Webcam


Portage Tunnel Road Weather Conditions


Whittier Road Weather Conditions


FAA Webcam Weather Conditions


Cabin Rentals Prince William Sound


Prince William Sound Museum


Alaska Marine Highway


Parking and Camping in Whittier


Whittier Harbor


Wildlife Viewing Locations



State Marine Parks Valdez-Whittier-Seward


To purchase trigger point books, please go to TriggerPointRelief.com.