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Chena Hot Springs Road

MP​​ 0


Image result for intersection sign

Intersection with Steese Highway ​​​​ MP 4.5





Access: ​​ From Fairbanks, head north on the Steese Highway. ​​ At 4.5 miles, take the Chena Hot Springs Road exit and drive east.


http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpghttp://iciclecreekrealestate.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/house-symbol1.jpghttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Tent-Camping-Sign-X-RM-010.gifhttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Cross-Country-Skiing-Sign-X-RS-040.gifhttp://www.turningwatersbandb.com/wp-content/uploads/Bicycle-Trail-Symbol-Sign-X-RL-090.jpgKayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign



Chena River State Recreation Area


Chena River SRA Map


Chena River SRA Facilities


Trail Reports and Park Conditions


River Guide for Chena River SRA


Winter Skiing and Biking


Wildlife Viewing Locations



Chena River Brochure


Chena River SRA map

MP 26.7

Flat Creek Slough Boat Launch

Kayaking - 24x24 Marine Signhttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gif

Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass.


Chena River Float Map and Guide

MP​​ 27



Rosehip Campground​​ and Nature Trail

http://www.gemplers.com/img/outdoor-recreation-signs-WEB172518-lrg.jpgKayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign


Access: ​​ Turn south into​​ a​​ nice​​ campground.​​ 37 campsites, both single and double​​ sites. ​​​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 64⁰​​ 52.660’

Long W 146⁰​​ 45.899’

Elevation ​​ 576’


Distance: ​​​​ 1.1 miles to close​​ the​​ loop​​ from campsite #6 to #15

Elevation​​ Drop:​​ 98’

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-round


Interpretive trail of the Boreal forest. ​​ The trail does not make a complete loop – start either across from​​ campsite #6 (to the right of the bathroom) or between​​ campsites #​​ 15 & 16.​​ This trail does not appear to be maintained and has standing water and trees​​ across it. Part of the trail follows the bank of the Chena River and is starting to fall into the river; it won’t be long before the trail must be re-routed.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018


Rosehip Campground


Chena River SRA Facilities


Trail Conditions



Rosehip Nature Trail GPS Topo Map


Chena River Float Map and Guide

MP 27.8 & 28.6

Miles​​ 28 & 28.6 River Accesses

Kayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign

Mile 28: ​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass.



Chena River Float Map and Guide

MP​​ 29.5



Compeau Trail & Colorado Creek Cabin



Access: ​​ Parking area on the north side of the road. ​​​​ Daily​​ fee or State Parks annual Pass.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 64⁰​​ 53.501’

Long W 146⁰​​ 41.211’

Elevation ​​ 689’


Distance: ​​​​ 18 miles to cabin

Elevation Gain: ​​ ​​​​ 1200’


Chena River SRA Cabins


Compeau Trail & Colorado Creek Winter Trail


Trail Conditions



Compeau Trail & Colorado Creek​​ 

Winter Trail


Colorado Creek Cabin


Mike Kelly Trail Guide

MP​​ 30



Twin Bears Camp


Access: ​​ North side of the road.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 64⁰​​ 53.663’

Long W 146⁰​​ 40.340’

Elevation ​​ 667’


Twin Bears Camp is a state park facility available for rent by any individual or group. The camp has twelve rustic cabins​​ that sleep​​ 6 to 8​​ people​​ each, and two insulated handicap-accessible buildings (25'x40') with heat, lights and cooking facilities. In summer, hot and cold running water and electricity​​ (a​​ generator)​​ are available, enabling a full-service kitchen, shower houses, and laundry. A five-kilometer cross-country ski trail loop is available. ​​​​ Call 907-452-5343 for reservations.


Chena River SRA Cabins


Twin Bears Camp



Twin Bears Ski Trails



Mile 31.4 River Access

Kayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign



Chena River Float Map and Guide

MP​​ 31.8



Lower Stiles​​ Creek and Cabin​​ & Shooting Range



Access: ​​ Parking area on north side of road. ​​​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual​​ Pass.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 64⁰​​ 54.203’

Long W 146⁰​​ 36.927’

Elevation ​​ 641’


Distance:​​ 8 miles to cabin, 15 miles to upper trailhead

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 1700’​​ to upper trailhead

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy/Moderate

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-round


Chena River SRA Cabins


Stiles Creek Trail


Trail Conditions



Stiles Creek Trail Guide


Stiles Creek Cabin

MP​​ 32.2



Chena River Cabin


Access: ​​ Watch for the Colorado/Stiles Creek trailhead on the left (north) side of the road. The turnoff to the cabin is 0.5​​ miles past the trailhead, on the RIGHT.​​ ​​ It is less than 300 feet to the cabin from the locked gate​​ at the road.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 64⁰​​ 54.233’

Long W 146⁰​​ 35.961’

Elevation ​​ 640’


Chena River SRA Cabins



Chena River Cabin

MP 35.7



Interpretive Sign

This sign interprets and refers to the Granite Tors and trail, but the trailhead is actually at 39.5 mile, so the sign is confusing.


MP​​ 36.4



Upper Stiles Creek



Access: ​​ Parking area on north side of road. ​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 64⁰​​ 54.321’

Long W 146⁰​​ 27.478’

Elevation ​​ 700’


Distance:​​ 7 miles to cabin, 15 miles to lower trailhead

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 1700’​​ to lower trailhead

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy/Moderate

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-round


Chena River SRA Cabins


Stiles Creek Trail


Trail Conditions



Stiles Creek Trail Guide


Stiles Creek Cabin


Miles​​ 37.7 & 38.2 River Accesses

Kayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign

Mile 37.7: ​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass.



Chena River Float Map and Guide

MP​​ 38.5



Mastodon Trail​​ & Nugget Creek​​ Cabin




Access: ​​ South side of​​ the​​ road. ​​​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 64⁰​​ 53.973’

Long W 146⁰​​ 23.467’

Elevation ​​ 738’


The trail has been constructed (and is open) to mile 8, and Alaska State Parks is hoping to finish construction to 12 mile by the end of 2019.


Chena River SRA Cabins


Trail Conditions



Nugget Creek Cabin


MP​​ 39.5



Granite Tors Campground, Cabin,​​ and Trail


http://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Tent-Camping-Sign-X-RM-010.gifhttp://iciclecreekrealestate.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/house-symbol1.jpghttp://images.campgroundsigns.com/img/lg/X/Rest-Room-Symbol-Sign-X-RM-140.gifKayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign

Access: ​​ On the left​​ side of​​ the​​ road,​​ a​​ nice campground on​​ the​​ river with​​ 24 campsites. ​​ The cabin is located within the campground. ​​​​ The trailhead parking is here;​​ start down a footpath which crosses the bridge &​​ takes you to the trailhead. ​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 64⁰ 54.172’

Long W 146⁰ 21.661’

Elevation ​​ 698’


Distance: ​​​​ 15 mile loop​​ 

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 2900’

Difficulty: ​​​​ Moderate/Strenuous

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-round


This is one of the few trails in the area that is just for hiking – no motorized use or bikes. ​​ The​​ 2-3 mile​​ shorter​​ loop is no longer accessible due to a bridge out. ​​​​ The sign says it is​​ only​​ until the bridge is repaired, but it appears the sign has been​​ there a​​ very​​ long time. ​​ There is a lot of boardwalk;​​ much of​​ it​​ has been replaced if you start counter-clockwise (be very careful on​​ any of​​ the old sections​​ – it is rotted and boards are loose). ​​ At .83 mile there is a sign pointing left that says “3 mile Loop,” which is where you want to go if you wish to do the​​ 15 mile loop​​ trail in a clockwise direction. ​​ However, the boardwalk on the other side of the creek has not been replaced and is very slippery. ​​ I recommend doing an out-and-back in the counter-clockwise direction to take advantage of the new boardwalk. ​​ If you aren’t planning to hike to the Tors,​​ at 1.8 miles where the trail starts to climb is a good turn-around spot. ​​ Hazard warnings:​​ ​​ All boardwalk can be slippery when wet. ​​ The weather can come in quickly on the ridge and it’s easy to get lost, so bring a compass or GPS and emergency gear. ​​ Some route-finding skills are required on the ridge .

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018


Granite Tors Trail Guide


Chena River SRA Cabins


Chena River SRA Facilities


Trail Conditions



Granite Tors Trail Guide


Granite Tors Cabin


Granite Tors GPS Topo Map


Chena River Float Map and Guide


Mile 39.6 River Access

Kayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign

Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass.


Chena River Float Map and Guide

MP​​ 41.6



Stiles Creek Extension​​ and Cabin



Access: ​​ North side of​​ the​​ road, unmarked.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 64⁰​​ 55.630’

Long W 146⁰​​ 19.420’

Elevation ​​ 744’




Chena River SRA Cabins


Stiles Creek Trail


Trail Conditions



Stiles Creek Trail Guide


Stiles Creek Cabin


MP 42.7



Hunt Memorial Cabin


Access: ​​ The entrance road to the cabin is​​ on the south side​​ just before Red Squirrel Campground,​​ and has a locked gate with a combination.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 64⁰​​ 56.032’

Long W 146⁰​​ 17.373’

Elevation ​​ 789’


Chena River SRA Cabins



Hunt Memorial Cabin

MP 42.8



Red Squirrel Campground


Access: ​​ North side of​​ the​​ road. ​​​​ DNR says there are 12 campsites but it’s really just two small parking lots and one tent site on open grass, around a small pond. ​​​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass, or camping fee.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 64⁰​​ 56.072’

Long W 146⁰​​ 17.171’

Elevation ​​ 788’

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018


Chena River SRA Facilities




Miles​​ 43​​ & 44​​ River Accesses

Kayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign

Mile 44: ​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass.



Chena River Float Map and Guide

MP​​ 47.7



North Fork Cabin


Access: ​​ Watch for the small road and gate on the​​ left​​ side​​ of the road​​ (heading toward Chena Hot Springs).​​ If you have rented​​ the cabin​​ you​​ may drive in, or park and walk from the gate. Walking may be advisable during snowy weather or during breakup.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 64⁰​​ 59.700’

Long W 146⁰​​ 13.699’

Elevation ​​ 896’


Chena River SRA Cabins



North Fork Public Use Cabin

MP​​ 48.9



Angel Rocks Trail


Kayaking - 24x24 Marine Sign

Access: ​​ Turn right just before the bridge and follow the trail upstream from the parking lot along the North Fork of the Chena River. ​​​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual​​ Pass.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 65⁰​​ 00.685’

Long W 146⁰​​ 13.162’

Elevation ​​ 896’


Distance: ​​​​ 3.9​​ mile loop trail​​ or 8.3 miles one-way to Chena Hot Springs

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 1010’ (loop trail), 2000’ to Chena Hot Springs

Difficulty: ​​​​ Moderate/Strenuous

Best Months:​​ Summer-Fall


This is one of the few trails in the area that is​​ designated​​ for​​ non-motorized use. ​​ You could bike the first .3 mile if you wanted, but​​ the tread​​ quickly becomes rock and rooty. ​​ At .77 mile, keep right at the​​ unmarked​​ fork in the trail​​ to go around the loop counter-clockwise​​ ​​ take the boardwalk up the hill. ​​ The trail is better signed for counter-clockwise, and the grade isn’t quite as steep due to the presence of switchbacks (please don’t cut the switchbacks as it causes trail erosion). ​​​​ As you go through the rocks there are a lot of side trails that are indistinguishable from the main trail, some with drop-offs, so pay attention to where you are going. ​​ Another option is to continue on​​ one-way​​ to Chena Hot Springs on a spur trail which is well-signed, or to go out-and-back on the spur trail, hiking along an open ridge​​ in some places. ​​​​ Chena Hot Springs offers a shuttle if you wish to hike one-way ($25 in 2018) -- check for availability: (907) 451-8104.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018


Angel Rock Trail Guide


Angel Rocks to Chena Hot Springs Trail


Chena River SRA Facilities


Trail Conditions



Angel Rocks to Chena Hot Springs Trail


Angel Rocks Trail Map & Guide


Angel Rocks Loop GPS Trail Map


Chena River Float Map and Guide

MP​​ 49.1



Lower Chena Dome Trail


Access: ​​ West​​ (left)​​ side of​​ the​​ road. ​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 65⁰​​ 00.832’

Long W 146⁰​​ 13.196’

Elevation ​​ 937’


Distance: ​​​​ 29 mile loop to Upper Chena Dome Trailhead

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 3421’ (the Trail Guide is incorrect, but the elevation profile is correct)

Difficulty: ​​​​ Strenuous

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-round


This is one of the few​​ designated​​ non-motorized use trails in the area. ​​ Bikes are allowed, but​​ would not​​ be​​ a good​​ choice.​​ The​​ 29-mile loop trail/route​​ circles​​ on the ridges above​​ the entire Angel Creek drainage. Mile markers travel in a counter-clockwise direction from the upper trailhead.​​ (A sign at the trailhead recommends​​ starting at the trailhead at MP 50.5 and going counter-clockwise.) ​​ Each end of the trail travels through forest for about three miles up to timberline. The rest of the trail follows tundra ridge tops and is marked by rock cairns. Each trailhead offers steep but scenic day hikes, and the entire loop is a good 2-4 day trip for backpackers. ​​​​ 


Chena River SRA Facilities


Chena Dome Trail Guide


Trail Conditions



Chena Dome Trail Guide

MP​​ 50.5



Angel Creek Hillside Trail,​​ Angel Creek Cabins, Upper Chena Dome Trail



Access: ​​ West side of​​ the​​ road. ​​ Alaska State Parks daily use fee or Annual Pass.


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 65⁰​​ 02.094’

Long W 146⁰​​ 12.959’

Elevation ​​ 932’


Distance: ​​​​ 5.1 miles to lower cabin, 10 miles to upper cabin.

Elevation Gain: ​​​​ 600’​​ 

Difficulty: ​​​​ Easy

Best Months: ​​​​ Year-round


The Angel Creek Hillside Trail provides year-round access to The Angel Creek Cabins (except during spring break-up). The trail stays high, contouring the hillside, offering many scenic views of the valley and surrounding hills.


For the Chena Dome Trail, see​​ the​​ MP 49.1​​ information.


Angel Creek Trail Guide


Chena River SRA Cabins


Angel Creek Hillside Trail Conditions



Angel Creek Trail Guide


Angel Creek Cabins


MP​​ 56.6



Chena Hot Springs



Access: ​​ End of the road!


Lat  ​​ ​​​​ N 65⁰​​ 23.217’

Long W 146⁰​​ 03.529’

Elevation ​​ 1182’


All of the trails start from​​ the​​ private property of Chena Hot Springs Resort. ​​ Campsites are very nice and reasonably priced. ​​ There are also Yurts, cabins, and hotel rooms. I highly recommend touring the facilities, including the Aurora Ice Museum.

Valerie’s Rating: ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ http://superhumancoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CheckMark.jpg2018


Chena Hot Springs Resort


Trail Conditions



Chena Hot Springs Resort area trails


Chena Hot Springs Resort Information


Chena Hot Springs Resort 2018 Brochure



To purchase trigger point books, please go to TriggerPointRelief.com.